The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous and balanced two-year course for ages 16-19. Each subject is externally assessed by the IB.


Performing Arts (Dance, Drama and Music)


Visual Arts

Physical, Social and Personal Education (PSPE)

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

Physical Education



Information and Communication Technology (ICT)


The International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) is a rigorous and balanced two-year course for ages 16-19. Each subject is externally assessed by the IB. The Programme is balanced as subjects are chosen from six mandatory subject groupings, as well as the IBDP Core Elements of writing an Extended Essay (EE), participating in a Theory of Knowledge philosophy class (TOK), and engaging in activities and projects revolving around creativity, action and service (CAS).

Early Childhood Department Yearband Guide

Primary Childhood Department Yearband Guide

Age Yearband Guide
5+ PYP1
6+ PYP2
7+ PYP3
8+ PYP4
9+ PYP5
10+ PYP6

Assessments and Examinations

At AIS, assessment in IBDP is both internally assessed and externally moderated. All internally assessed components are marked by the teachers but moderated by the IB. This is aimed to maintain objectivity and reliability and viability of the exams. All written examinations are taken at the end of the DP2 for the May – June session and are marked externally.

Pathway to University and Employment

The IBDP is recognized and respected by the world’s leading universities, and evidence suggests that higher rates of DP students go on to university and higher education study than non-IB students. The DP focuses on rigorous academic study, within a broad and balanced curriculum, which can prepare students well for employment.