
Child Protection and Safeguarding

Acorns believes that all children have the right to be safe and protected in our society.

Child abuse and neglect are concerns throughout the world. Child abuse and neglect are violations of a child’s human rights and are obstacles to the child’s education as well as to their physical, emotional, and spiritual development.

At Acorns, it is the responsibility of every member community to keep our students safe. 

If you see something; say something! 

Report a concern directly to a Designated Safeguarding Officer(DSO) or fill out the Child Protection Concern Report linked below. 

For more information, read our full Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

Acorns Designated Safeguarding Officers

Ms Lieke

Secondary Counsellor

Ms Emma

Secondary Counsellor

Ms Shirin

Head of Secondary

Ms Shallon

Head of Primary

Ms Andi

Head of Early Years

Ms Ameena

Head of School / CEO

Ms Rachelle

Deputy Head of School